Sunday, October 13, 2013

Good to the Last Bite!

Big appetites seemed to be the theme at the wetlands this week. I came across an array of insects eating insects; interesting stuff!

Eastern Pondhawk with Rambur's Forktail

This Eastern Pondhawk was consuming a female orange-form Rambur's Forktail.

Eastern Pondhawk

Eastern Pondhawk

The next  Eastern Pondhawk I came across had an even larger appetite. The pondhawk was eating a female Needham's Skimmer.

Eastern Pondhawk with Needham's Skimmer

This Blue Dasher settled for a much smaller meal.

Blue Dasher
Pachydiplax longipennis

Blue Dasher
Pachydiplax longipennis

This Rambur's Forktail was taking down a small skipper.

Rambur's Forktail

Rambur's Forktail

A little bit of a messy meal this skipper was!

Rambur's Forktail

Four-spotted Pennant

The visit ended with a stop off at this pelican party.

Many other species arrived shortly after I did.

Good times!