Thursday, February 2, 2012

Viera Wetlands 01/29/12

I took a drive through the Viera Wetlands Sunday afternoon. I saw the usual variety of water birds, including Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Tricolored Herons, Little Blue Herons, Limpkins, Anhingas, Cormorants, and Ibises.

Viera Wetlands

Digging down as  far as its neck would go, this Limkin brought up and consumed 4 snails in the 15 minutes I was watching. Limpkins feed almost exclusively on Apple Snails. I didn't get any decent photos of the Limpkin with a snail.

Immature White Ibis
Viera Wetlands

This immature White Ibis was foraging for bugs in the grass. The wetlands is home to numerous White and Glossy Ibis.

Viera Wetlands

The Anhingas are beginning to nest at the wetlands. This one is displaying its breeding plumage.

Northern Shoveler
Viera Wetlands

There were several Northern Shovelers present, as well as Blue-winged Teals, and Hooded Mergansers. There are also thousands of American Coots making the wetlands their home right now.

Great Blue Heron
Viera Wetlands

Looks like I wasn't the only one tidying up the house on Sunday! I saw 4 pairs of Great Blue Herons currently nesting.


  1. amazing shots of this incredible place! I love Vierra too! I think I have a shot of that same Limpkin LOL - he stayed in the grasses. Take Care~

    1. Thanks Rachelle, maybe I'll run into there next:)

  2. Some stunning images there Tammy, that shoveller looks like one miserable bird. the colours on the Anhinga are stunning, and I love the DOF on the Ibis.
    Overall im pretty impressed..

    1. Thanks Shaun! I do wonder if the Shoveler gets tired of carrying that large bill around, could be be much worse, though.

  3. Very beautiful pictures
    LP Ivo

  4. gorgeous shots! up close and personal!

    1. Thanks Tex! I think the birds here are used to seeing alot of people.

  5. Thank you for having made a visit to our blog and to have left a comment.
    Céline &Philippe

  6. Thanks! I was using a 300 mm with a 1.4x. The GBH here usually start around the end of December, but some are just starting now.

  7. Great shots Tammy. Nice light you have there.

  8. Todas son preciosas, ¡como siempre!

  9. Hola Tammy bonitas fotografias como siempre tus fotos me fascinan.Un abrazo


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