Saturday, February 18, 2012

Viera Wetlands at Sunset

Changing things up this week, I headed over to the wetlands after work on Monday. I decided to diverge from the usual activities as I noticed the sky displaying some unusual cloud formations. The wetlands is a great place for sunsets, which I thought these clouds might bring.

I saw the usual variety of herons, waterfowl, songbirds, and raptors. I also spotted a Wilson's Snipe, which I have only seen there on one other occasion. This fellow only made a split second appearance and was off. This is a photo of the one I saw at the Wetlands in November of 2010.

Wilson's Snipe
Viera Wetlands

This Hooded Merganser was doing its best to camouflage itself among the hundreds of Coots.

Palm Warbler
Viera Wetlands

Red-winged Blackbird
Viera Wetlands

Most of clouds dispersed by the time the sun went down, but we enjoyed the sunset none the less.


  1. beautiful shots, as usual, tammy! your plowed-field clouds are gorgeous! so are your birds - especially love the red-wing and the 2 grackles sitting on the post!

  2. Your last post really got to me Tammy. We have been to Florida 5 times and have been lucky enough to stay with a friend in Miami. He has a large timber house on Silver Palm Av. with 3 acres of land and the amount of birds in the garden was unbelievable, and at night the little Screech owl. The last time we were over was 2005. some of the birds in your post where regular visitors to the garden. Keep them comming.

  3. Oh, beautiful images, especially the Snipe and Red-winged Blackbird, I love them. Thank you Tammy.

  4. My goodness, that was a great and a memorable find. The whole series is actually fantastic!

  5. They are all beautiful images Tammy, I find the cloud formation in the firdt image very fascinating!

  6. A wonderful series, Tammy. I'll be visiting family in Fla. in a few weeks. I only have a few days, but hope to fit a wetland visit into the schedule.

  7. Tammy, what a wonderful day you had!! Such gorgeous pictures. I can't believe that sky that lured you out!! Someone should tell the merganser not to bother because he sticks out like a sore thumb!! Your efforts were well rewarded with a beautiful sunset.~karen

  8. I've never been there at sunset; nice pics! I'll have to go later in the day sometime. I love the blackbird and snipe photos.

  9. Love those clouds and the sunset! Wow! Really, really nice, Tammy! Your blackbird photo is gorgeous! Somebody should tell the merganser he needs to work on his camouflage. :-)

  10. Another great set Tammy fantastic stuff, that cloud formation is a beauty.

  11. The first and last pictures are my favourites,
    but the others are also nice photo's Tammy.

    Wish you a lovely sunday.

    Greetings, joop

  12. Gorgeous images. I love that place. We are only 25 minutes away from Viera Wetlands every Sunday.

  13. Beautiful photos, love all of them!
    Have a great day.
    Greetings Mette

  14. You certainly got the sunset there Tammy. I enjoy clouds in a sunset because they add texture to the colour. Great blackbird - didn't know that existed.

  15. Hi Tammy!
    Lovely serie,the sunset is absolutely stunning.
    Greetings from Sweden

  16. beautiful images! the clouds are amazing - love that wide angle! The Wilsons snipe is adorable, and I cannot wait to see one for myself :-)

  17. So precious images! the clouds, the good flattering light that strokes birds feathers, every one has details that make it special!!

  18. Wonderful post Tammy

    The atmosphere, the scenary and the differing species of birds make it all worthwhile


  19. Beautiful. We really enjoy Viera Wetlands, but were very disappointed the last time there that we couldn't drive through. To walk through you have to WALK past the "Stay in your car! Alligators are dangerous!" sign. Catch 22.

  20. Another great set of photos. Your photography is wonderful

  21. ¡Qué cielos y que luz tienes allí! es una maravilla. La foto de la agachadiza me encanta!!

  22. Estupendos cielos en la primera y la ultima foto, buenos disparos a las aves, precioso el mirlo de alas rojas.


  23. Lovely bird and sunset photos. Looks like a very 'birdiferous' place!

  24. Amazing cloud formation! Seeing that Wilson's Snipe brings back some good memories of last autumn when I added it to my UK list!


I greatly appreciate your comments!