Saturday, January 21, 2012

Random Birds in the Florida Keys

I had a little bit of time each day to explore a few areas of the Keys for some birds. I visited an area called "Tea Table Relief", as I noted in a few earlier posts, twice, seeing an interesting mix of birds each visit. The birds seen in this area included: Brown Pelicans, a "Great White" Heron, Cormorants, Ospreys, gulls, a Red-bellied Woodpecker, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Black Vultures, Palm Warblers, Magnificent Frigatebirds, a Northern Mockingbird, a Belted Kingfisher, White Ibis, and several European starlings.

Northern Mockingbird
Florida Keys

White Ibis
Florida Keys

European Starling
Florida Keys

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Florida Keys

Palm Warbler
Florida Keys

Palm Warbler
Florida Keys

A visit to the Windley Key Fossil Reef Geological State Park didn't turn up any birds, but there was some really cool fossilized reefs to check out. There are three quarries and several trails that you can explore on your own or they have guided tours. The park is a good place to see migrating songs, but they have all apparently migrated on.

Fossilized Reef
Windley Key

This Warbler was hanging out in a tree at the hotel in Islamorda. I think it is a Prairie Warbler. Poor guy had some large growth on his leg.

Prairie Warbler
Florida Keys

This is where I was hanging out!

Palm Warblers were found at all the places I visited. This one was at Founder's Park.

Palm Warbler
Florida Keys

Another area I made a very quick trip through was "Anne's Beach" located around MM 74. It is a great place to bird watch as it offers a boardwalk through the mangroves that parallels the shore. Here I only saw 2 birds, but migrating songs can be found here at other times of the year. I'm not quite sure what this one is.

White Rumped Sandpiper
Florida Keys


  1. Nice photos! I'm particularly fond of your Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

  2. I was just over at Scott Simmons blog commenting on the envy I have for you all and your winter warblers. I really appreciate you sharing them here with these excellent photos, both of birds I've seen and birds I haven't.
    That second to last bird is a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, and a nicely documented one at that! There' extra tricky subjects in my experiences. They've got double the energy of most warblers but without the easily contrasting colors.

    1. Thanks Laurence!!! This little one did have a lot of energy, it wouldn't sit still for a photo!

  3. You took the last three so well, splendid work of art.

  4. Hola Tammy que bonita secuencia de imagenes,como siempre tus fotos me fascinan.Un abrazo

  5. Great photographs as usual. I love the White Ibis shot especially.

  6. Lovely photos, I love the Red-bellied Woodpecker.

    1. Thank you! They are interesting little guys!

  7. beautiful photos! love the mockingbird and the ibis in flight!

  8. Preciosas las fotos como siempre Tammy. la de las espátulas me encanta.

  9. Some wonderful bird shots there, Tammy!

  10. Lovely set of pics again Tammy. I've been trying to add you to my side bar but blogger is not picking up that I'm following your blog, hopefully it'll sort itself out :-)

  11. You should win a prize for that first picture.

  12. Muy bellas imágenes de estas distintas aves.Muy buenos disparos.


  13. Fabulous pictures ,I really like the one of the Ibis.

    Best Wishes Colin.


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