I had a hard time deciding where to go this morning...a nice sunrise at Jetty Park or Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, but we decided on the refuge. As we approached our exit on the highway, some large storm clouds appeared along with some rain. I had a feeling it wasn't going to last, and thankfully it didn't.
Luckily for us, with the rain, comes rainbows. And we saw a bunch of rainbows this morning!
We headed out to the shore first, but things were pretty quiet there. I had hoped to see some Black-bellied Plovers, but once again, they were not there.
Ruddy Turnstone
But there were several Ruddy Turnstones foraging in the sand.
Sanderling |
And this sweet little Sanderling preening in the sand.
Dragonhunter |
This dragonfly was resting along the sea grape plants. After the beach, we decided to make a loop through
Black Point Drive. It was pretty quiet there as well. We saw plenty of herons and egrets. We saw 2 Reddish Egrets which are always fun to watch.
Finally, from quite a distance, we saw some of the plovers we were looking for. In this area, we saw the largest number of birds. There were Black-bellied Plovers, Willets, a Caspian Tern, Black Skimmers, Forster's Terns, Laughing Gulls, some Blue-winged Teals, and probably a few others that we missed.
Turkey Vulture |
On the way home, we drove along the edge of the causeway where there were numerous Turkey and Black Vultures scuffling over a small dead fish.
Turkey & Black Vulture |
I loved the look on the Turkey Vulture's face when the Black Vulture took its food. It looked as if to say..."hey, I had that first!!!".
juvenile Black Vulture |
Little did they know, this juvenile Black Vulture was sitting on a jackpot just up the shore.
Dowitcher |
We also saw two Dowitchers, which I think were Long-billed....We made one more stop at another small park on the way home.
Northern Mockingbird |
We saw some interesting interactions between this Mockingbird and a Brown Thrasher.
The two were attempting to occupy the same tree, but the Mockingbird was not pleased about that.
The moment the thrasher would come out of the brush, the mocker would attack him.
The Thrasher didn't give up though. It kept trying to claim an upper branch. This is about as far as it got.
Loggerhead Shrike |
This shrike was observing the action from the next tree over, wondering what all the fuss was about...
Hope you're having a great weekend:)